Next Tuesday, the documentary film Tapestries of Hope will be screened for one night only in theaters around the country. Tapestries of Hope follows...
TOMS Shoes
2 min read
TOMS Shoes founder Blake Mycoskie is a young social entrepreneur, and TOMS Shoes is a wonderful example for young people looking to build a...
BookTalkUNA along with the Institute of International Education will be hosting a book discussion of Tracy Kidder’s Strength in What Remains on Monday, September...
There is a disturbing new trend of child abuse happening in Africa and in African immigrant communities in the United Kingdom. Children are being...
The 93 Dollar Club
1 min read
The 93 Dollar Club started with a random act of kindness and ended with over $100,000 raised for the Second Harvest Food Bank of...
Domestic Abuse and Technology
2 min read
New technologies have given people new ways to communicate from video chatting with Skype to status updates on Facebook and even the good old-fashioned...