As a result of the president’s request, 51 private companies pledge resources and support in order to help alleviate the global refugee crisis. This...
The Uncondemned
1 min read
Was lucky enough to catch a screening of The Uncondemned last night, thanks to the Hamptons International Film Festival. Very powerful material and put...
“In the past two years, Andela has evolved from a crazy idea into an elite engineering organization of nearly 300 people spanning three continents....
“Finally, SHOFCO saved my life and helped me to remain positive even when the worst happened. It made me feel not like a passive...
(by Daniel Lewis via the NYT) “The United States was tearing itself apart over civil rights and the war in Southeast Asia when Father...
UNICEF hails transformation through mobile
1 min read
Lake told Mobile World Live that “mobile technology is now helping us reach children in a way we never could have imagined”, with the...