According to AOL News, there are 16 million children who receive subsidized school meals who are not covered during the summer. Despite efforts by...
Beer Company Funds Social Entrepreneurs
1 min read
Guinness & Co. might be best known for their beer, but the Arthur Guinness Fund is providing aid to social entrepreneurs located all over...
2 min read
StoryCorps is changing the way that people view American history. Founded in October 2003, StoryCorps opened their first StoryBooth in New York City’s Grand...
Stephen Colbert has entertained troops in Iraq, and as they come home this month, he will entertain them again and honor their service. The...
Color Me In-Updates
2 min read
Recently, we received some very exciting updates from the organization Color Me In! We previously wrote about Color Me In! and CMI founder Sarah...
On Monday August 23 at 6 PM, PEHT (The Partnership for the Eradication of Human Trafficking) will be hosting a panel discussion at the...