“People say that with any given technology people tend to overestimate its effects in the short term and underrate it in the long term....
I’m with my friend Diana Chao, Founder & Executive Director of Letters to Strangers. She’s the youngest winner of the Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Award ever, has...
‘“Knock Down the House,” produced by New York’s Jubilee Films, profiles the campaigns of Las Vegas businesswoman Amy Vilela, Saint Louis nurse Cori Bush, coal miner’s daughter...
“WE MUST TREAT Addiction with the same fervor as other sicknesses !! Shatterproof is working on the best new approach to treatment and insurance...
NLP students join Broadway stars to consider ‘true’ versus ‘true-ish’ (The News Literacy Project)
2 min read
“I was thrilled to support such a great event and I was happy to facilitate sponsorship for the students and teachers to come and...
“Following is the letter of resignation sent by former President George Bush to the National Rifle Association: May 3, 1995” “I was outraged when,...