Major feature films about Africa are few and far between, and films produced in Africa with African actors are even rarer. The Forgotten Kingdom...
Ecovative Design is a company that has created a business out of environmental sustainability. Ecovative is probably best known for their EcoCradle packaging, a...
One percent of the pregnant women in the world are HIV-positive. Out of that one percent, ninety-five percent of pregnant HIV-positive women are living...
On September 21, 2010, columnist Dan Savage posted a video of himself and his husband Terry talking about anti-gay bullying and the recent suicides...
Social networking sites have revolutionize job hunting, friendships, and video production, and some philanthropists have discovered new ways to connect people, spread awareness for...
Director Lee Hirsch was on CNN’s American Morning today to talk about his documentary The Bully Project which has received more attention in the...