Terrific dinner and conversation with the common good and my friend Dr. Michael E. Mann. Dr Mann is a distinguished climate scientist, author, and...
"Recent historical work suggests that the early and sustained imposition of gathering bans, school closures, and other social-distancing measures [e.g. face masks] significantly reduced...
“WE The People Need to Grasp where we are headed and how to participate!! You can’t resist If your not astute as to how...
“The Nazis, Arendt argues, furnished this deliberate disconnect from reality with what she calls “holes of oblivion.” (Today, we call them “alternative facts.”) In...
“Holmes hopes that Topic.com, her new project at First Look Media, will help rekindle her love for the web. The consumer-facing publication, published monthly,...
(via NICO GENDRON at Nieman Lab) “73 percent of media workers are located between Virginia, New York, Boston and the West Coast. The rest of the...