Terrific dinner and conversation with the common good and my friend Dr. Michael E. Mann. Dr Mann is a distinguished climate scientist, author, and...
“What this extremely insightful article doesn’t do is recommend when different stakeholders are at the table together, listening empathetically, a bridge of differences and...
Finland is winning the war on fake news. What it’s learned may be crucial to Western democracy (CNN)
“Finland along with the News Literacy Project were ahead of the times. It’s been an honor working on the National Leadership Council in the...
‘“Knock Down the House,” produced by New York’s Jubilee Films, profiles the campaigns of Las Vegas businesswoman Amy Vilela, Saint Louis nurse Cori Bush, coal miner’s daughter...
“I was thrilled to support such a great event and I was happy to facilitate sponsorship for the students and teachers to come and...
“Tim Berners-Lee has launched a global campaign to save the web from the destructive effects of abuse and discrimination, political manipulation, and other threats that...