A film about the relationship between anthropologist Rina Sherman and an Omuhimba family with whom she lived for seven years, filming and photographing aspects...
Rina Sherman
4 min read
Born in South Africa, Rina Sherman was exiled from the country and settled in France in 1984 where she has been living and working...
Bjorn Steinz
3 min read
Björn Steinz began his photographic career at a local newspaper close to Frankfurt. Having worked as a volunteer in refugee camps during the...
Jenn Warren
2 min read
Jenn Warren is a professional photographer based in Juba, South Sudan, specializing in humanitarian and development projects. Her work has been published in the Sunday Times...
Ivan Kashinsky
4 min read
Ivan Kashinsky is a freelance photographer based in Quito, Ecuador. His work has been published in National Geographic, Time, Smithsonian, The New York Times,...