By Matthew Speiser and Natasha Bertrand The Social Progress Index is a metric that measures progress through fulfillment of basic human needs (rather than traditional indicators of economic growth)....
Learning to See Data
1 min read
Article by: Benedict Carey FOR the past year or so genetic scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York have been...
SavingSpecie’s projects: Baby Olinguito
1 min read
SavingSpecies fully funded the Colombia Cloud Forest Restoration Project. This project was initiated for a rare mammal discovered in 2013. The first new carnivore...
Turkey’s future Forward to the past
1 min read
Article by: ANKARA Can Turkey’s past glories be revived by its grandiose Islamist president? “I DON’T order you to fight, I order you to...
By Naty Barak (Netafim), interviewed by Nina Kruschwitz When it comes to agriculture, sustainability can mean many different things: Providing access to markets for...
A Genuine Movement for Social Change
1 min read
War is the health of the State,” wrote social critic Randolph Bourne in a classic essay as America entered World War I: “It automatically...