States are raising the age of who counts as an adult, but it’s no simple task. The 17-year-old adults
SavingSpecie’s projects: Baby Olinguito
1 min read
SavingSpecies fully funded the Colombia Cloud Forest Restoration Project. This project was initiated for a rare mammal discovered in 2013. The first new carnivore...
Fox News has chosen to embed on its website the video of Islamic State burning a hostage to death, a move which makes them...
Turkey’s future Forward to the past
1 min read
Article by: ANKARA Can Turkey’s past glories be revived by its grandiose Islamist president? “I DON’T order you to fight, I order you to...
Article by Joshua Davis José Urbina López Primary School sits next to a dump just across the US border in Mexico. The school serves residents...
News Use Across Social Media Platforms
1 min read
BY JESSE HOLCOMB, JEFFREY GOTTFRIED AND AMY MITCHELL How do different social networking websites stack up when it comes to news? How many people...