(by Daniel Lewis via the NYT) “The United States was tearing itself apart over civil rights and the war in Southeast Asia when Father...
“The decline in commercial U.S. radio stocks appears to be “partially driven by a belief that things are changing rather faster than they actually...
“This isn’t just about glaciers and polar bears. It’s about the health of our family and our kids,” Gina McCarthy, administrator of the Environmental...
UNICEF hails transformation through mobile
1 min read
Lake told Mobile World Live that “mobile technology is now helping us reach children in a way we never could have imagined”, with the...
“We’re in a moment of tremendous change – not linear but exponential – and we need to bring our society through a transition process...
To understand what makes BuzzFeed tick, you need to know how Dao Nguyen thinks about data. As the publisher in charge of BuzzFeed, which...