Warby Parker started out as a collaboration between four friends who wanted to create an alternative to the overpriced and bland eyewear available today. By circumventing traditional channels and engaging with their customers directly through their website, Warby Parker is able to provide higher-quality, better looking prescription eyewear for under $100.
Not only do they sell affordable quality eyewear, Warby Parker donates one pair of glasses to someone in need for every pair it sells.Through their Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program, they hope to serve the one billion people on earth who do not have access to glasses. A pair of glasses can often define one’s path either as a contributing member of the community or one subject to poverty. Imagine what glasses mean to a farmer who needs to separate seeds to plant or a tailor who needs to thread a needle. Two organizations they partner with to distribute their glasses are Restoring Vision and The Sunshine Lady Foundation.
To learn more about Warby Parker or order a pair of glasses, visit their website here